Every time I go to this place, I feel like it's had a different theme. My first two trips to the city were with a wonderful, amazing lady named Jordan. She is my NYC Sista. Her and I lost our NYC virginity in high school with a Fine Arts trip, where our teacher snuck us off to the legendary CBGB's before it was demolished. The second time we went, we basically just drank bottles of wine to ourselves every night and made some great friends.

So, what was the theme this time, you might ask? I'd say, Cheese and Booze.
On this trip, I went with one of my oldest friends, Mr Sterling "Fry".

We stayed in a very cozy apartment, at the Jones Street Guesthouse. This place is in an incredible location - right off Bleecker, between 6th and 7th Ave S in Greenwich Village. I'd recommend it to anybody - you're a 15 minute walk away from SOHO (aka a hell of a lot of shops), and a few subway stops away from the magical land of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We managed to coat the place in clothing very quickly.

It was our first time on a trip together, despite knowing each other for over a decade. That being said, I knew the following would incur:
- Galavanting
- Eating
- A couple pops
Boy, was I right. The remainder of these photos are snippets of what happened in the big Apple. I look like Powder in a majority of the photos, and the lens on my camera was filthy. Either way, you'll get an idea:
Sterling made a buddy at Tammany Hall, and quickly introduced me to him. I have about 25 pictures with this random dude. Hello, whoever you are.

Oh, the agony of the next day. Oh well - it was well spent watching Californication, Shameless, and my new favorite show, Portlandia (ALIKIIIII).

We had a celebrity sighting - Jennifer Aniston! Good thing Sterling pointed her out, because I would've never noticed.

Jones St Guesthouse gives you discount cards for a cafe down the street, called Doma. I had the Eggs Toscano 3 times while I was there. Zippy tomato sauce, Parmesan cheese, fried eggs, and garlic toast. What more could you want?

They also had some damn good cheese:

Lake’s Edge (Pasteurized goats’ milk, Blue Ledge Farm, VT)
I stumbled across a great Spanish tapas bar called Boqueria where I got sat next to the most hammered middle-aged couple I've ever seen. It was about 5 PM, and these two were seducing each other by suggestively eating dried seaweed (which they didn't even serve here). The bartender told them to cut it out three times, before they finally left the building.
I stayed there and had wine and cheese over great chats with a very handsome bartender from Ohio.

Valdeón cheese, quince paste, craisins, and delectable fruit bread.
Keeping on the cheese wagon, here's the best damn cheese shop I've ever been to, Murray's. Another reason to stay at Jones St Guesthouse, is because this is a block away. You can basically throw yourself out the door of the apartment, and you'll almost be at the front step of this place. This is shame of a photo to represent my little piece of heaven, but here it be:

On my last trip with Jordan, we stayed across the street from two of my favorite casual food spots, Curly's Vegetarian Lunch and Artichoke Pizza. I couldn't resist, and made a venture across town to have the succulent vegan hot wings at Curly's. Jordan, this one's for you!

On my last day, I had a great sendoff with the city at Grey Dog, down the street from where I stayed. I ate a peanutbutter & jam sandwich (they have homemade bread.. oh god) and sipped a delicious latte, while listening to the sweet jams of Lauryn Hill, Alicia Keys ("If I Ain't Got You" is my NYC theme song), and Erykah Badu.

And my favorite part of the trip, hands down - spending time with amazing people.

You want to to to Williamsburg (Brooklyn) for a full day - go shopping, and eat at the restaurants there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You won't be disappointed.
OAK - This store is INCROYABLE.
Beacon's Closet - Jordan introduced me to this incredible vintage shop. Prepare to be overwhelmed.
The Commodore - This place is like Vancouver's "Foundation" restaurant and the Royal Canadian Legion on crack, with some really cheap food and delicious drinks.
The Woods - This is a pretty cool bar. I have only been here once, but would definitely like to check it out again.
IFC CENTER - I went to a movie two nights in a row - this place is great!!! All independent movies, and you will not be sitting with any more than 20 people in the theater. It's awesome.
"Da Clubs"
SWAY - Every Sunday - Smiths Night. Best night. Best bar. Hands down. Fun people. Packed. Dress sassy, or you're not getting in. I'm not joking.
Lit Lounge - Plenty o good times. Bands, my friend Terry (I'll leave it at that - this guy knows everyone), and lots of dancing.
Tammany Hall - This place used to be called the Annex; located on 152 Orchard St. Fun fun, dance dance, strong drinks.
Greenhouse - A tropical nightclub. The place is literally covered in vines, on the inside. AND, I saw Weird Al Yankovic here. 'nuf said.
Motor City Bar - I'd like to spend more time at this place. Down to earth, smells of rich mahogany (not really).
If I haven't convinced you to go to New York yet, then listen to me: This city has its own heartbeat. It is unlike ANYWHERE in the world. I have never left this place without feeling motivated to make the most of my life, starting right now. It will put your head in the clouds, make you dream big, and give you the energy to actually do something about it (that's what it does for me, anyway). So if you've just broken up with your boo, or you're feeling blah about life, buy a god damn ticket to NYC.
And for no reason whatsoever, here's some D'Angelo:
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