- If you don't have a piggybank, get one, NOW. I just got $30 out of pennies. Don't let that stuff go to waste!
- Get automatic deductions off your paycheque into a savings account (whether it be TFSA, RRSP, etc). You won't even miss the $, because it'll be gone the day you get paid.
- If you have the option, get a share plan with your employer. That also is deducted off your paycheque and you won't miss it at all. If they're partially matching you, that's like free money. What do you have to lose?
What it comes down to:
You don't miss money that you never see, as long as you have a budget. Therefore, get that $ out of your possession as quickly as possible. That includes pennies in your pocket, or the $20 bill you just got from your grandma. Put it in a jar, or a locked savings account. You will thank yourself when you decide to go on a huge trip, buy a car, or whatever it is you like to spend money on.